With further application of Information Technology and cooperation between corporates,the probability of corporates suffering from the risk of information system accidents has increased dramatically. Because of these potential risks, corporates will sustain massive financial loss and jeopardise their reputation and brand images, which leads to an eroding client trust and loyalty. Meanwhile, seeking a balance between potential development and compliance is required whilst corporates establish business development, in order to cope with a constant changing external supervision environment.Confronting with above-mentioned challenges, how to secure the information system and perform the compliance obligation has become the vital issue for corporates’ development. At Grant Thornton, we work with corporates in all regions of the world to help with planning information system protection, providing compliance guidance and perfecting complete internal control system, in response to security threat and supervision requirement in information technology domain.

Our services include:

  • Cyber Security
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Data and Analytics
  • Management Decision Cockpits
  • Risk System Solutions
  • ERP System Implementation Support
  • IT Audit, Assessment, and Implementation Supervision and Strategy
  • Anti-Fraud, Anti-Money Laundering, and Anti-Tax Avoidance Advisory
  • Establishment of Business Process and Control
  • Fintech Advisory
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