The Committee received a request about a sale and leaseback transaction with variable payments. In the 
transaction described in the request: 
a. an entity (seller-lessee) enters into a sale and leaseback transaction whereby it transfers an item of 
property, plant and equipment (PPE) to another entity (buyer-lessor) and leases the asset back for 
five years.  

b. the transfer of the PPE satisfies the requirements in IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with 
Customers to be accounted for as a sale of the PPE. The amount paid by the buyer-lessor to the 
seller-lessee in exchange for the PPE equals the PPE’s fair value at the date of the transaction.  

c. payments for the lease (which are at market rates) include variable payments, calculated as a 
percentage of the seller-lessee’s revenue generated using the PPE during the five-year lease term. 
The seller-lessee has determined that the variable payments are not in-substance fixed payments as 
described in IFRS 16. 
The request asked how, in the transaction described, the seller-lessee measures the right-of-use asset 
arising from the leaseback, and thus determines the amount of any gain or loss recognised at the date of the 
The Committee observed that the requirements applicable to the transaction described in the request are in 
paragraph 100 of IFRS 16. Paragraph 100 states that ‘if the transfer of an asset by the seller-lessee satisfies 
the requirements of IFRS 15 to be accounted for as a sale of the asset: (a) the seller-lessee shall measure 
the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback at the proportion of the previous carrying amount of the 
asset that relates to the right of use retained by the seller-lessee. Accordingly, the seller-lessee shall 
recognise only the amount of any gain or loss that relates to the rights transferred to the buyer-lessor. …’. 
Consequently, to measure the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback, the seller-lessee determines the 
proportion of the PPE transferred to the buyer-lessor that relates to the right of use retained—it does so by 
comparing, at the date of the transaction, the right of use it retains via the leaseback to the rights 
comprising the entire PPE. IFRS 16 does not prescribe a method for determining that proportion. In the 
transaction described in the request, the seller-lessee could determine the proportion by comparing, for 
example, (a) the present value of expected payments for the lease (including those that are variable), with 
(b) the fair value of the PPE at the date of the transaction.  
The gain or loss the seller-lessee recognises at the date of the transaction is a consequence of its 
measurement of the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback. Because the right of use the seller-lessee 
retains is not remeasured as a result of the transaction (it is measured as a proportion of the PPE’s previous 
carrying amount), the amount of the gain or loss recognised relates only to the rights transferred to the 
buyer-lessor. Applying paragraph 53(i) of IFRS 16, the seller-lessee discloses gains or losses arising from 
sale and leaseback transactions. 
The seller-lessee also recognises a liability at the date of the transaction, even if all the payments for the 
lease are variable and do not depend on an index or rate. The initial measurement of the liability is a 
consequence of how the right-of-use asset is measured—and the gain or loss on the sale and leaseback 
transaction determined—applying paragraph 100(a) of IFRS 16. 
lllustrative example 
Seller-lessee enters into a sale and leaseback transaction whereby it transfers an asset (PPE) to Buyer-
lessor, and leases that PPE back for five years. The transfer of the PPE satisfies the requirements in IFRS 
15 to be accounted for as a sale of the PPE. 
The carrying amount of the PPE in Seller-lessee’s financial statements at the date of the transaction is 
CU1,000,000, and the amount paid by Buyer-lessor for the PPE is CU1,800,000 (the fair value of the PPE 
at that date). All the payments for the lease (which are at market rates) are variable, calculated as a 
percentage of Seller-lessee’s revenue generated using the PPE during the five-year lease term. At the date 
of the transaction, the present value of the expected payments for the lease is CU450,000. There are no 
initial direct costs. 
Seller-lessee determines that it is appropriate to calculate the proportion of the PPE that relates to the 
right of use retained using the present value of expected payments for the lease. On this basis, the 
proportion of the PPE that relates to the right of use retained is 25%, calculated as CU450,000 (present 
value of expected payments for the lease) ÷ CU1,800,000 (fair value of the PPE). Consequently, the 
proportion of the PPE that relates to the rights transferred to Buyer-lessor is 75%, calculated as 
(CU1,800,000 − CU450,000) ÷ CU1,800,000.  
Applying paragraph 100(a), Seller-lessee: 
a. measures the right-of-use asset at CU250,000, calculated as CU1,000,000 (previous carrying 
amount of the PPE) × 25% (proportion of the PPE that relates to the right of use it retains). 
b. recognises a gain of CU600,000 at the date of the transaction, which is the gain that relates to the 
rights transferred to Buyer-lessor. This gain is calculated as CU800,000 (total gain on sale of the 
PPE (CU1,800,000 – CU1,000,000)) × 75% (proportion of the PPE that relates to rights 
transferred to Buyer-lessor). 
Applying paragraph 100(a), the right-of-use asset would not be measured at zero at the date of the 
transaction because zero would not reflect the proportion of the previous carrying amount of the PPE 
(CU1,000,000) that relates to the right of use retained by Seller-lessee. 
At the date of the transaction, Seller-lessee accounts for the transaction as follows: 
Dr. Cash CU1,800,000 
Dr. Right-of-use asset CU250,000 
 Cr. PPE CU1,000,000 
 Cr. Liability CU450,000 
 Cr. Gain on rights transferred CU600,000 
The Committee concluded that the principles and requirements in IFRS 16 provide an adequate basis for 
an entity to determine, at the date of the transaction, the accounting for the sale and leaseback transaction 
described in the request. Consequently, the Committee decided not to add the matter to its standard-setting 
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