We begin this second edition of 2019 by considering the IASB Exposure Draft ‘Interest Rate Benchmark Reform’. We then look at implications of the IASB’s statement that an entity should be entitled to sufficient time in determining whether it needs to change an accounting policy as a result of an IFRIC agenda decision and in implementing any such change.

Continuing on an IFRIC theme, we then look at the agenda decisions that were issued in March and the tentative issues that are currently out for comment. Further on in the newsletter, you will find IFRS-related news at Grant Thornton and a general round-up of financial reporting developments.

We finish with a summary of the implementation dates of recently issued Standards, and a list of IASB publications that are out for comment.

If you would like to discuss any of the topics raised in the newsletter please send email to China@cn.gt.com
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